L. Stacy Letton, MAI, SRA, DTM
Joseph J. Blake and Associates, Inc.
Ms. Letton has over 28 years of experience as both a residential and commercial real estate appraiser for properties within the United States. As a field appraiser, she has completed a variety of assignments for financial institutions including single-families, apartments (rent/age-restricted, market rent, tax credit projects, historical projects, assisted living); hotels (including going concern); retail/power centers; office/medical buildings; hospitals; industrial properties; theatres; non-for-profit shelters; subdivisions; condominiums, special use properties (including schools, funeral homes, churches, green cemeteries); eminent domain; litigation and historical properties including historical tax credits. Ms. Letton spent 6 years as an internal residential reviewer for a national lender which included conforming, non-conforming and secondary market transactions. Ms. Letton is also an instructor for the Appraisal Institute, an instructor for the Mortgage Broker’s Association (MBA), a Subject Matter Expert for the Appraisal Qualifications Board (AQB), part of the Body of Knowledge Committee within the Appraisal Institute and is currently a candidate advisor for 7 persons seeking MAI and/or SRA designations.
Grant Norling, MAI
Vice President Client Experience, Co-Founder
Grant is vice president of client experience and co-founder at Valcre, the industry’s premier end-to-end commercial appraisal software. In 2016 Grant co-founded Valcre with a passion to create more efficient processes in the valuation industry for appraisers and their clients. Through application of time saving technology, appraisers can be highly successful while achieving a fulfilling life-work balance.
More recently in September of 2021, Grant gave up production appraisal to join Valcre full time in his current role where he works directly with clients to facilitate platform adoption and acts as a client advocate to help align Valcre products with customer needs.
Grant is a former commercial real estate appraiser with over two decades of industry experience starting in 2000 that included a broad range of production and leadership roles at Colliers International for 15 years and running his own appraisal firm for 5 years. Grant’s primary focus as an appraiser was investment retail and office assets within Oregon and SW Washington, with a noted specialization in property tax appeal and expert witness testimony for big box retail and non-stabilized shopping center assets.
Mike Holzheimer
Valuation Review
As editor of Valuation Review, Mike Holzheimer seeks out the information and announcements pertinent to appraisers. Through in-depth feature stories, He brings to the readers the insights, expertise and opinions from some of the top authorities within the valuation profession. He speaks directly to company CEOs, presidents and chief operating officers who separate fact from fiction allowing appraisers to make informed decisions as it relates to their business. Valuation Review also engages in conversation with appraisers from across the country telling their success stories and what they feel the appraisal profession needs to improve upon.